Sunday, January 24, 2021

So I forgot I about this thing. New Brand title but still under the same weird moody management!-

 Oh I am still moody, just less self loathing. 

What I once believe is unbearable is believe it or not something you can live with. I did not know fifteen years ago that I would have endured the traumatic life altering health crisis that have forever changed my body, but I have survived. As naïve as my condition made me I did not know that the road would be rougher, and it continues to be rough. I still am coming to terms with things and looking for a way to make a better life for my self as I push a later age. I feel unaccomplished yet I have accomplished things others have not. I have walked a different path and I cannot judge my own inherit value by the value others. I am still here, and I am still trying, everyday I am thinking and making an effort to put pen to paper to make something. I am there to console my friends through their darkest times, as I have walked in total darkest and huddled in the darkness until I found a match to lit to find some respite. 

What I know for sure is that I still have attempts in me to do something that is beyond myself. I still have ideas and when my energy is available I will push it towards the creation of those ideas. 

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